Press release of the German Hotel Association (IHA)
In today’s ruling in Case C-264/23, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has set the limits to the dominant booking platform and provided legal certainty across Europe. " attempted to play off the courts in EU member states against each other. With its 'torpedo lawsuit' filed with the District Court in Amsterdam, sought to undermine the final ruling of the German Federal Court of Justice, which had found the platform’s best price clauses to be in clear violation of EU competition law. The top European judges have now put an end to this", commented Markus Luthe, Chief Executive Officer of the Ger-man Hotel Association (IHA). "We hope that after this landmark ECJ rul-ing, the underlying court proceedings before the Amsterdam District Court will quickly resume, and that the compensation claims of German hotels resulting from many years of anti-competitive best price clauses can be promptly addressed."