HOTREC takes note of Digital Markets Act gatekeepers designation process
HOTREC takes note of yesterday’s statement from that the company does not yet qualify as a gatekeeper under the Digital Markets Act (DMA).
By 3 July 2023, online platforms were required to notify the European Commission if they meet the qualitative criteria to be designated as gatekeeper platforms under the DMA.
European hoteliers have long been waiting for a legislative framework that will help them address the unfair behaviour of powerful online travel agents and speed up the digitalization of their businesses. We expect thresholds of to be independently reevaluated and checked by the European Commission. In the meanwhile, HOTREC will closely follow the DMA implementation phase and practices of Online Travel Agents towards their business users.
HOTREC Director General, Marie Audren, said: ‘’Last year HOTREC warmly welcomed the adoption of the Digital Markets Act as a silver lining for European hoteliers. The recent statement of has been noted and will be further scrutinized in the coming months. We will closely follow the implementation phase of the Digital Market Act and work towards a fair online business environment.’’
Press contact:
Ms Alessia Angiulli, HOTREC Communications Manager |
What is HOTREC?
HOTREC is the umbrella association of Hotels, Restaurants, Bars and Cafés and similar establishments in Europe, which brings together 47 National associations in 36 countries and is the voice of European hospitality. HOTREC’s mission is to represent and champion the industry’s interests towards the EU and international institutions, foster knowledge sharing and best practices among its members to further promote innovation, and act as a platform of expertise for the hospitality sector. Counting over 1.8 million businesses and employing over 9 million people, European hospitality stands as a cornerstone of economic activity and job creation. With a notable contribution of approximately 2-3% to the total EU GDP, the industry serves as a powerful catalyst for economic growth. Our sector is characterized by a high level of entrepreneurship, with 90% of businesses classified as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These companies bring innovation, creativity, and a personal touch to the industry.