Why Airbnb Desperately Wants to Pay Hotel Taxes

Where you see a fabulous getaway, Airbnb sees an opportunity to get in good with legislators.
Photo by Thinkstock
Where you see a fabulous getaway, Airbnb sees an opportunity to get in good with legislators. Photo by Thinkstock

by Alison Griswold, Slate


For Airbnb, hotel is a touchy term. The word appears exactly zero times on the company’s “About Us” page, which instead describes Airbnb as a “trusted community marketplace” and a platform that “connects people to unique travel experiences.” Airbnb doesn’t want to be seen as part of the hotel industry, so it’s positioned itself as the exact opposite. Where hotels are old, stodgy, and corporate, Airbnb hopes to appear young, fun, and personal. In competing against hotels, Airbnb has gone to great lengths to distance itself from them. Yet in city after city, Airbnb is also insisting that the time has come for it to embrace hotel taxes.


Why Airbnb Desperately Wants to Pay Hotel Taxes
Quelle: Slate



Die Mitgliederversammlung des Hotelverbands Deutschland (IHA) e.V. findet am
11. November 2024 von 10:00 - 13:00 Uhr im Steigenberger Hotel am Kanzleramt,
Ella-Trebe-Straße 5, 10557 Berlin statt.

IHA vor Ort - Cybersicherheit

Die neue IHA-Roadshow zur Cybersicherheit in der Hotellerie startet am 11. November 2024 um 14:00 Uhr im Steigenberger Hotel Am Kanzleramt, Ella-Trebe-Straße 5, 10557 Berlin, gleich im Anschluss an die IHA-Mitgliederversammlung. Hier geht's zu Programm und Anmeldung!

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