Study: OTAs continue to steal market share

Rebecca Bucnis shared preliminary findings from Kalibri Labs’ “Distribution channel analysis” report. (Photo: Patrick Mayock)
Rebecca Bucnis shared preliminary findings from Kalibri Labs’ “Distribution channel analysis” report. (Photo: Patrick Mayock)

Hotel News Now by Patrick Mayock

Demand share is shifting in the booking funnel, with more and more revenue slipping between hoteliers’ fingertips.

“It’s crazy. The world has changed. The question is: Now what? The real work begins,” said Rebecca Bucnis, Kalibri Labs’ executive VP and chief commercial officer, as she painted an ominous picture of the distribution landscape....


Demand share is shifting in the booking funnel, with more and more revenue slipping between hoteliers’ fingertips. 


“It’s crazy. The world has changed. The question is: Now what? The real work begins,” said Rebecca Bucnis, Kalibri Labs’ executive VP and chief commercial officer, as she painted an ominous picture of the distribution landscape. 

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Study: OTAs continue to steal market share
Quelle: HNN


From the Desk - Hoteldistribution

In der aktuellen Folge unseres Vlogs #FromtheDesk geht es um die Hoteldistribution. Tobias Warnecke stellt die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse der HOTREC Hoteldistributionsstudie 2024 vor, wirft einen Blick auf den Distributionsmix der europäischen Hotellerie und analysiert Marktanteile der OTAs u.v.m.

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