Opportunities and challenges for metasearch marketing with hotels

Source: PhoCusWright
Source: PhoCusWright

by Wei Xia and Quentin Moores, Tnooz

As hotels continue their efforts to keep up with latest and greatest in electronic distribution, the three hottest topics continue to be mobile, social media and metasearch.

NB: This article is written by Wei Xia (VP of new products and services) and Quentin Moores (director of metaSearch business development) from DerbySoft. All three have one common thread we haven’t seen for many years. The ability to target and win direct consumers back to the front door of hotelbrand.com. ...


As hotels continue their efforts to keep up with latest and greatest in electronic distribution, the three hottest topics continue to be mobile, social media and metasearch.

NB: This article is written by Wei Xia (VP of new products and services) and Quentin Moores (director of metaSearch business development) from DerbySoft.


- See more at: www.tnooz.com/article/metasearch-challenges-opportunities-hotels/


As hotels continue their efforts to keep up with latest and greatest in electronic distribution, the three hottest topics continue to be mobile, social media and metasearch.

NB: This article is written by Wei Xia (VP of new products and services) and Quentin Moores (director of metaSearch business development) from DerbySoft.


- See more at: www.tnooz.com/article/metasearch-challenges-opportunities-hotels/


As hotels continue their efforts to keep up with latest and greatest in electronic distribution, the three hottest topics continue to be mobile, social media and metasearch.

NB: This article is written by Wei Xia (VP of new products and services) and Quentin Moores (director of metaSearch business development) from DerbySoft.


- See more at: www.tnooz.com/article/metasearch-challenges-opportunities-hotels/


As hotels continue their efforts to keep up with latest and greatest in electronic distribution, the three hottest topics continue to be mobile, social media and metasearch.

NB: This article is written by Wei Xia (VP of new products and services) and Quentin Moores (director of metaSearch business development) from DerbySoft.


- See more at: www.tnooz.com/article/metasearch-challenges-opportunities-hotels/


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