OFT ruling promises greater OTA price competition on hotels

Foto: Alex Segre / Alamy
Foto: Alex Segre / Alamy


The UK Office of Fair Trading today accepted formal commitments from Booking.com and Expedia together with InterContinental Hotels Group to enable online travel agents and hotels to offer discounts on room rates.

The commitments mean that all OTAs and hotels that deal with these three businesses will be able to offer discounts off headline room-only rates so long as customers: sign up to the membership scheme of an OTA or hotel to be able to view specific discounts, and make one undiscounted booking with the OTA or hotel in question to be eligible for future discounts. The discounts offered by OTAs will be funded through their commission or margins. ...

OFT ruling promises greater OTA price competition on hotels
Quelle: Travolution

From the Desk - Hoteldistribution

In der aktuellen Folge unseres Vlogs #FromtheDesk geht es um die Hoteldistribution. Tobias Warnecke stellt die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse der HOTREC Hoteldistributionsstudie 2024 vor, wirft einen Blick auf den Distributionsmix der europäischen Hotellerie und analysiert Marktanteile der OTAs u.v.m.

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