Is the new sharing economy in travel a democracy or a republic?


by Andrew McConnell (VacationFutures), Tnooz

It seems like for as long as we have had the internet there has been talk of how it can and is “democratizing” anything and everything.

Just because the internet enables people to do virtually anything themselves rather than use a professional party, does that mean they actually will, or even that they should?

In school most of us learned about...


This is an opinion by Andrew McConnell, co-founder and CEO of VacationFutures.

Just because the internet enables people to do virtually anything themselves rather than use a professional party, does that mean they actually will, or even that they should?

In school most of us learned about


- See more at:


This is an opinion by Andrew McConnell, co-founder and CEO of VacationFutures.

Just because the internet enables people to do virtually anything themselves rather than use a professional party, does that mean they actually will, or even that they should?

In school most of us learned about


This is an opinion by Andrew McConnell, co-founder and CEO of VacationFutures.

Just because the internet enables people to do virtually anything themselves rather than use a professional party, does that mean they actually will, or even that they should?

In school most of us learned about


- See more at:


This is an opinion by Andrew McConnell, co-founder and CEO of VacationFutures.

Just because the internet enables people to do virtually anything themselves rather than use a professional party, does that mean they actually will, or even that they should?

In school most of us learned about


- See more at:


This is an opinion by Andrew McConnell, co-founder and CEO of VacationFutures.

Just because the internet enables people to do virtually anything themselves rather than use a professional party, does that mean they actually will, or even that they should?

In school most of us learned about


- See more at:

From the Desk - Hoteldistribution

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