Airbnb and the case of the disgruntled super-host

Kelly Kampen; Source: Coconuts Bangkok
Kelly Kampen; Source: Coconuts Bangkok

by Kevin May, Tnooz

In true sharing economy style, angry former hosts are turning to the web to share their grievances with Airbnb. In a Medium post by Kelly Kampen, a Bangkok, Thailand-based software developer and business owner who lets out a room in his property, Airbnb has been taken to task for de-listing his profile and cancelling all future bookings.

The post (“Airbnb why did you terminate my account??—?An Open Letter to Airbnb“) details how Kampen has been an unofficial brand ambassador for the company, has hosted events for other property owners and has even been invited to speak at an Airbnb event in Paris, France. He also called himself a “super-host,” having welcomed more than 700 people from more than 70 countries and making himself nearly $42,000 in two years.

Airbnb and the case of the disgruntled super-host

Quelle: Tnooz

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