"They're basically running hotels": Property management companies Airbnb's biggest winners

The McGill study found the Plateau-Mont-Royal and Ville-Marie boroughs are the most popular locations for rentals in Montreal. This photo shows one of the San Francisco-based Sonder property management company's listings in the Plateau neighbourhood. © Airbnb
The McGill study found the Plateau-Mont-Royal and Ville-Marie boroughs are the most popular locations for rentals in Montreal. This photo shows one of the San Francisco-based Sonder property management company's listings in the Plateau neighbourhood. © Airbnb

by Andrea Bellemare, CBC News

A small number of commercial property managers generate a majority of Airbnb's overall revenue, eating up available housing stock and driving up rent in Canada's three biggest cities, a new study from Montreal's McGill University concludes.


'They're basically running hotels': Property management companies Airbnb's biggest winners
Quelle: CBC News

From the Desk - Hoteldistribution

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