UNWTO World Tourism Day Tackles Social Impact of Tourism

Traditional Dance welcoming visitors into a Ngorongoro Maasai Village. Photo: Harvey Barrison / Flickr
Traditional Dance welcoming visitors into a Ngorongoro Maasai Village. Photo: Harvey Barrison / Flickr

by Samantha Shankman, Skift

Most people around the world love to travel, so much so that 1.087 billion people crossed international borders last year. Far less than that likely realize there is a day dedicated to what so many of them dream, plan and save for.

World Tourism Day takes place on September 27 every year, during which the United National World Tourism Organization sets aside time to look at the social, cultural, political and economic value of travel and how tourism contributes specifically to the challenges outlined in the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

The day of recognition began in 1980 to mark the anniversary of the adoption of the UNWTO Statutes. It also coincides with the end of the busiest tourism season in the northern hemisphere and the start of another in the southern hemisphere. ...

UNWTO World Tourism Day Tackles Social Impact of Tourism
Quelle: Skift

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