TripAdvisor set for third acquisition in a week



TripAdvisor is set to make its third acquisition in little over a week.

The online search giant plans to take over online restaurant booking platform lafourchette, which has a network of more than 12,000 restaurant partners across Europe.


TripAdvisor is set to make its third acquisition in little over a week.

The online search giant plans to take over online restaurant booking platform lafourchette, which has a network of more than 12,000 restaurant partners across Europe.

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TripAdvisor is set to make its third acquisition in little over a week.

The online search giant plans to take over online restaurant booking platform lafourchette, which has a network of more than 12,000 restaurant partners across Europe.

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TripAdvisor is set to make its third acquisition in little over a week.

The online search giant plans to take over online restaurant booking platform lafourchette, which has a network of more than 12,000 restaurant partners across Europe.

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TripAdvisor is set to make its third acquisition in little over a week.

The online search giant plans to take over online restaurant booking platform lafourchette, which has a network of more than 12,000 restaurant partners across Europe.

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TripAdvisor is set to make its third acquisition in little over a week.

The online search giant plans to take over online restaurant booking platform lafourchette, which has a network of more than 12,000 restaurant partners across Europe.

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TripAdvisor is set to make its third acquisition in little over a week.

The online search giant plans to take over online restaurant booking platform lafourchette, which has a network of more than 12,000 restaurant partners across Europe.

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TripAdvisor is set to make its third acquisition in little over a week.

For very small establishments, the effects of a bad review can be devastating. Screenshot: The Telegraph
For very small establishments, the effects of a bad review can be devastating. Screenshot: The Telegraph
DEHOGA-Wahlcheck zur Bundestagswahl 2025

Die Lage ist ernst, die Herausforderungen sind gewaltig. Die Bundestagswahl am 23. Februar 2025 wird richtungsweisend für den Standort Deutschland. Ein „Weiter so“ darf es nicht geben. Der Blick auf Branchenstatistiken zeigt: Nach fünf Verlustjahren und wachsenden Belastungen für die Betriebe sind bessere politische Rahmenbedingungen wichtiger denn je. Es ist Zeit für echte Lösungen.

IHA-Merkblatt (FAQ) zum neuen Hotelmelderecht

Zum 1. Januar 2025 ist die besondere Meldepflicht in Beherbergungsstätten gem. §§ 29, 30 BMG für deutsche Staatsangehörige entfallen. Für Gäste ohne deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft ist die Meldepflicht bestehen geblieben.

Diese Änderung des Bundesmeldegesetzes wirft in der Praxis zahlreiche Fragen auf. In unseren FAQ greifen wir stets aktualisiert die wichtigsten davon auf.

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In einem gemeinsamen Positionspapier zur Bundestagswahl 2025 haben 15 große Verbände aus der Tourismus-, Geschäftsreise-, Veranstaltungs- und Messewirtschaft gemeinsam sechs Top-Themen zusammengestellt, die für einen zukunftsfähigen Wirtschafts- und  Tourismusstandort schnell und konsequent angegangen werden müssen.