The Worst Airbnb in the Universe: 22 Beds in One Apartment


by Sam Biddle, ValleyWag

Airbnb is the best friend of Hurricane Sandy victims, single mom entrepreneurs trying to make ends meet, and, of course, high-class Manhattan slum lords who reserve the right to search your bags while you sleep.

A Valleywag reader brought this interesting pied-à-terre-au-hell at 215 E. 27th street to our attention after a friend from out of town signed up via Airbnb:

Our friend is in town staying in an Airbnb with 22 bunk beds spread across a 2 bedroom. 8 mens in 1 room, 8 mens in another and 6 in the hallways. $35/night and so at full capacity they could clear $250k/year. ...

The Worst Airbnb in the Universe
Quelle: ValleyWag

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