The End of Hotel Mobile Apps

Ioannis S. Pantelidis, principal lecturer in Hospitality and Culinary Arts at the University of Brighton
Ioannis S. Pantelidis, principal lecturer in Hospitality and Culinary Arts at the University of Brighton

by Ioannis S. Pantelidis, Hotel Industry Magazine

Ioannis S. Pantelidis explains why you should not invest heavily in mobile apps.

The vast majority of hoteliers that I come across tend to be in the “late majority” of the innovation adoption curve (see: Everett Rogers work on diffusion of Innovation).

With that in mind I expect that there are still hoteliers out there that are thinking of commissioning a mobile app developer. And most likely that developer will design a hotel app that is destined to never deliver ROI.

It is increasingly harder for hoteliers to come up with compelling reasons to convince their customer base to download a hotel app. ...

The End of Hotel Mobile Apps
Quelle: HIM

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