Questions About Airbnb’s Responsibility After Attack by Dog

Mike Silverman spent two nights in the hospital after being attacked by his Airbnb host's Rottweiler. Photo: Anibal Adrian Greco for The New York Times
Mike Silverman spent two nights in the hospital after being attacked by his Airbnb host's Rottweiler. Photo: Anibal Adrian Greco for The New York Times

by Ron Lieber, The New York Times

On Airbnb’s short and startling ride to global ubiquity, it has delighted many people. Hosts can rent rooms or their entire home and use the income to avoid having a day job, to make ends meet or to get into the bed-and-breakfast business without bothering with local licensing rules or all the usual red tape.


Airbnb’s Responsibility After Attack by Dog

Quelle: NYT

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