Laying the groundwork for inbound demand


von Patrick Mayock,

As my flight’s wheels touched down at Berlin’s Tegel airport earlier this month, one of the first thoughts that crossed my groggy, jetlagged brain was, “I shouldn’t be here.” Not Berlin itself, but rather the city’s poor excuse for an airport.

When I made my first visit to Berlin for the International Hotel Investment Forum three years prior, I remember being greeted by massive banners and advertisements touting the soon-to-open Berlin Brandenburg International airport. Tegel was literally covered in the campaign, as if regional authorities were attempting to hide the facilities peeling walls and cracked tiles with promises of better days ahead.

That was before Brandenburg was delayed—from June 2012 to March 2013, and then to October 2013, and now 2014 at the earliest.


Laying the groundwork for inbound demand


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