HOTREC and IHRA sign Memorandum of Understanding

Mr. Casimir Platzer, President of IHRA, Mr. Kent Nyström, President of HOTREC (from left to right)
Mr. Casimir Platzer, President of IHRA, Mr. Kent Nyström, President of HOTREC (from left to right)


During its 68th General Assembly held on 11 April in Rome, HOTREC signed a Memorandum of Understanding with IHRA (International Hotel and Restaurant Association). Its main objective is to enhance the cooperation of both organisations on issues of common interest with an international dimension.

The Memorandum of Understanding signed between HOTREC and IH&RA on 11 April 2014 aims at strengthening the collaboration between the two organisations on matters of mutual interest, including: standardisation, private accommodation, online travel agents, employment and social affairs, sustainability and tourism. This will ensure that both the international and the European hospitality industry speak with one voice when possible.

"It is of utmost importance that the hospitality sector in Europe develops its dialogue and shares best practices with their international counterparts, so that common goals can be achieved at both European and international level”, said Mr. Kent Nyström, President of HOTREC.

"I am looking forward to a close cooperation between IH&RA and HOTREC. I believe that both organisations will benefit from closer cooperation on international matters and will strengthen their position and the hospitality industry around the world.” commented Mr. Casimir Platzer, President of IH&RA.

The Memorandum of Understanding entered into force on 11 April 2014, the date of its signature.

HOTREC and IH&RA sign Memorandum of Understanding

Quelle: HOTREC

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