First Look at the Exclusive Rates Hilton Wrested From Expedia

© Skift
© Skift

by Dennis Schaal, Skift

Hilton Worldwide is making good on the concessions it won in negotiations last year with online travel agencies, including Expedia, and in so doing the chain has a potentially powerful tool for attracting direct bookings as it chips away at rate parity and most favored nation clauses. ...

Despite the mere several-dollar differential in what Hilton is openly offering HHonors members online versus the rates that are available on online travel agency partner sites, rest assured that this is a major development because it diminishes the rate parity and most-favored-nation provisions that are under attack in Europe but have been virtually sacrosanct in the U.S. ...

First Look at the Exclusive Rates Hilton Wrested From Expedia
Quelle: Skift

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