Vice-President Tajani highlights excellent cooperation between HOTREC and the European Commission on Tourism

Vice-President of EC Antonio Tajani and Kent Nyström, President of HOTREC.
Vice-President of EC Antonio Tajani and Kent Nyström, President of HOTREC.


Rome, 10 April 2014 – On the occasion of HOTREC 68th General Assembly, the Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner responsible for Enterprise and Industry, Antonio TAJANI, said that the active cooperation between HOTREC and the European Commission had been crucial to put in place the different actions that are shaping the new EU competence in the area of tourism.

The Vice-President of the European Commission, Mr. Tajani, pointed out that HOTREC’s close cooperation with DG Enterprise and Industry - Tourism Unit – had been key when implementing the different actions laid down in the implementation plan on tourism, such as:

· ICT and Tourism (e.g. Tourismlink project);

· Promoting senior traveling during off-season;

· Improving professional skills in the sector.

The European Commission Vice-President also took the opportunity to underline the importance of the new visa package launched by the Commission on 1 April 2014. This package aims at facilitating visa processing activities and at encouraging more tourists to enter the Schengen space (namely travellers coming from the BRICS).

"We are honoured to count with the presence of Vice-President Tajani at HOTREC’s General Assembly. Europe is the heart of World Wide Tourism. Tourism needs to be at the centre of European economic policy. HOTREC fully supports the European Commission’s efforts in order to keep Europe world’s number one tourist destination”, said Mr. Kent Nyström, President of HOTREC.

The Vice-President agreed on the importance of keeping Europe as a competitive, sustainable and quality-based destination. Europe should continue to be number one tourist destination in the world and should continue keeping at least 50% of the market share of the world tourism.


Vice-President Tajani highlights excellent cooperation between HOTREC and the European Commission on Tourism related topics

Quelle: HOTREC

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