So many options, so give them a reason to book a hotel direct


by Patrick Bosworth (Duetto), Tnooz

I keep hearing today’s consumers want choices. That’s why they’re shopping 13 or 22 sites or however many the latest research says they shop before booking a hotel room.

I believe those numbers, but I think that’s the wrong conclusion. They don’t want more choices; they want better choices. They want a good experience and the best price without visiting 21 other sites to get there.



I keep hearing today’s consumers want choices. That’s why they’re shopping 13 or 22 sites or however many the latest research says they shop before booking a hotel room.

I believe those numbers, but I think that’s the wrong conclusion. They don’t want more choices; they want better choices. They want a good experience and the best price without visiting 21 other sites to get there.


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I keep hearing today’s consumers want choices. That’s why they’re shopping 13 or 22 sites or however many the latest research says they shop before booking a hotel room.

I believe those numbers, but I think that’s the wrong conclusion. They don’t want more choices; they want better choices. They want a good experience and the best price without visiting 21 other sites to get there.


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So many options, so give them a reason to book a hotel direct
From the Desk - Hoteldistribution

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