Report: The Cellphone Is Underrated as a Travel Inspiration Tool

1A model displays the Lumia 130 smartphone during its launch in Abu Dhabi October , 013. Photo: Ben Job / Reuters
1A model displays the Lumia 130 smartphone during its launch in Abu Dhabi October , 013. Photo: Ben Job / Reuters

von Dennis Schaal, Skift

Many travel companies have turned to iPads and other tablets when they want to inspire travelers to dream of their next vacations, but in so doing they may be short-changing the mobile phone, and they may want to rethink their app-development priorities.

A PhoCusWright survey of 2,200 U.S. travelers in the fourth quarter of 2013 found that 26% travelers broke out their phones for both destination selection and shopping, compared with 20% and 18%, respectively, of tablet users. ...

Report: The Cellphone Is Underrated as a Travel Inspiration Tool
Quelle: Skift

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