France’s end to rate parity creates grey areas

(Photo illustration: Jon Edwards)
(Photo illustration: Jon Edwards)

by Tamara Thiessen, Hotel News Now

Some have declared it the equivalent of the French Revolution for hoteliers, while others have called it an all-out war. A new law swept in 9 July means French hoteliers can now advertize lower prices for rooms across all distribution channels — including their own websites — than those offered to online travel agencies.

Some have declared it the equivalent of the French Revolution for hoteliers, while others have called it an all-out war. A new law swept in 9 July means French hoteliers can now advertize lower prices for rooms across all distribution channels—including their own websites—than those offered to online travel agencies…Some have declared it the equivalent of the French Revolution for hoteliers, while others have called it an all-out war. A new law swept in 9 July means French hoteliers can now advertize lower prices for rooms across all distribution channels—including their own websites—than those offered to online travel agencies…Some have declared it the equivalent of the French Revolution for hoteliers, while others have called it an all-out war. A new law swept in 9 July means French hoteliers can now advertize lower prices for rooms across all distribution channels—including their own websites—than those offered to online travel agencies.   - See more at: have declared it the equivalent of the French Revolution for hoteliers, while others have called it an all-out war. A new law swept in 9 July means French hoteliers can now advertize lower prices for rooms across all distribution channels—including their own websites—than those offered to online travel agencies.   - See more at:


France’s end to rate parity creates grey areas
Quelle: HNN


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