Expedia Inc’s Hotels.com regrets its SEO email to travel bloggers



Earlier this month, some travel bloggers received a message from a person with an e-mail address at the online travel agency Hotels.com. It had an intriguing offer.

The final sentence, including its lack of grammar, was this:

“If you agree with partnering with us on helping us acquire backlinks, I would like to discuss a package or how you wanted to compensated to perform this assignment.”...


Earlier this month, some travel bloggers received a message from a person with an e-mail address at the online travel agency Hotels.com.

It had an intriguing offer. The final sentence, including its lack of grammar, was this:


“If you agree with partnering with us on helping us acquire backlinks, I would like to discuss a package or how you wanted to compensated to perform this assignment.”


- See more at: www.tnooz.com/article/expedia-incs-hotels-com-says-sorry-seo-email-travel-bloggers/


Expedia Inc’s Hotels.com regrets its SEO email to travel bloggers
Quelle: Tnooz



Die Mitgliederversammlung des Hotelverbands Deutschland (IHA) e.V. findet am
11. November 2024 von 10:00 - 13:00 Uhr im Steigenberger Hotel am Kanzleramt,
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IHA vor Ort - Cybersicherheit

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