European elections: the European hospitality sector unveils its Manifesto with 16 priorities to boost growth and jobs!

HOTREC Manifesto
HOTREC Manifesto


HOTREC, the business association representing the European hospitality industry, releases its Manifesto for the 2014 European elections, highlighting sixteen priorities that the industry would like to be supported by the candidates to the European elections for the next EU legislative term.

At the margins of the European Tourism day, and in advance of the 2014 European Parliament elections campaign, HOTREC addresses its Manifesto to the candidates of the European Parliament and unveils the sixteen goals that should be prioritised in the agenda of the next European Parliament legislative term.

The European hospitality industry employs more than 10 million people. It has created 2.5 million more jobs between 2000 and 2010 and is one of the few sectors that kept creating new jobs despite the crisis. For this reason, candidates to the European elections next year should support our Manifesto if they want to boost growth and job creation in the EU”, commented Mr. Kent Nyström, President of HOTREC.

The priorities promoted by the European hospitality sector for 2014-2019 include the creation of an Intergroup on Tourism in the European Parliament, the promotion of smarter regulation, the facilitation of tourism SMEs’ funding, the strict application of the subsidiarity principle, the facilitation of visa procurement, a more balanced approach to data protection, EU food policy or fairer competition on the online tourism distribution market, among other equally important EU policy issues.

HOTREC urges candidates to the European elections and European political parties to support its Manifesto. Europe is at the heart of World Wide tourism: tourism should, therefore, be at the centre of EU policies.

The Manifesto of the European hospitality industry is available on the HOTREC website.


Quelle: HOTREC

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