Christian de Barrin has been named Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at HOTREC in Brussels, Belgium

Christian de Barrin (5), new CEO of HOTREC - Hospitality Europe
Christian de Barrin (5), new CEO of HOTREC - Hospitality Europe

HN hospitalitynet

HOTREC, the business association representing the European hospitality industry, will welcome a new CEO at the occasion of its next General Assembly to be held in Rome from 10 to 11 April 2014.

"2014 represents a key milestone for the hospitality sector, notably with the up-coming elections of the European Parliament as well as new European Commission and I am pleased to inform that Christian de Barrin will join the Association as its new CEO in this time of change. His experience in strategic communication, stakeholder relations and public affairs will be an asset to promote the industry’s many contributions to society and call for a new SME policy to sustain its competitiveness", said Kent Nyström, President of HOTREC.

Christian de Barrin has been named Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at HOTREC in Brussels, Belgium

Quelle: HN

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