Behind the scenes, is quietly powering hotel search for a trio of major European agencies


Tnooz by Kevin May

With all the coverage and analysis of the Expedia-Travelocity deal last week, another major partnership at the European end of the industry has slipped under the radar.

But as folk in the US ponder how the partnership between the two giants will play out next year when it officially launches, maybe they should just look across the Atlantic Ocean at another significant and similar deal between major players in the world of online travel agencies.

This one, however, has arrived almost unnoticed.

Odigeo, the umbrella organisation overseeing the likes of Opodo and the French and Spanish OTA brands GoVoyages and eDreams, is now an affiliate of for the trio’s respective hotel channels.

Website GoVoyages

Behind the scenes, is quietly powering hotel search for a trio of major European agencies

Quelle: Tnooz

Website GoVoyages
Website GoVoyages
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