Amsterdam's 20,000 Airbnb hosts must get tourist licences or stop operating, court rules

© Rink Hof / Het Parool
© Rink Hof / Het Parool

by Senay Boztas, The Telegraph

Airbnb hosts in Amsterdam were outraged on Wednesday after the country’s top court ruled that anyone renting out their property without a permit is breaking the law. In a shock judgement, the Raad van State declared that the capital must abide by national housing law, which forbids holiday rentals without a licence. of the roughly 20,000 Airbnb hosts in Amsterdam currently has a “holiday hire” permit, a city spokeswoman confirmed, meaning that any who rented a home to a tourist on the night of the judgement were technically in breach of the law.


Amsterdam's 20,000 Airbnb hosts must get tourist licences or stop operating, court rules
Quelle: Telegraph

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